Top 5 Movies about Writers That You Must Watch

Top 5 Movies about Writers That You Must Watch

Movies are always the best and amazing source of entertainment. Whenever you watch any movie of your interest you always admire the skills of the writer that how beautifully and creatively he or she has written the plot, created the twists, and how beautifully they have ended the story with delivering the powerful message. You might have seen many movies about adventure, war, love, law, politics, and comedy. But many films are also made on the writers and their life. These movies have their charm and uniqueness.

According to a dissertation writing service, writing about the writer is another amazing and interesting thing. Movies about writers are not a typical event in the film. There are a couple of producers that have at any point had the option to catch the artistic sensation of battling around one’s work area with a pen and paper. The majority of them have likewise grumbled about the way that some composing writings can never be put to screen.

In any case, with regards to individuals writing those writings a couple of mysterious producers have figured out how to depict the enthusiasm, battle, and inevitable backslide of a writer’s life while doing what they love best – compose. Movies about writers likewise tend to exceed their welcome when the total center becomes about writing. Great movies about writing can help beat writer’s square and lift inspiration.

In addition to the fact that it is an extraordinary method to go through an evening, yet additionally an interesting medium to study writing. Best of all, it doesn’t make any difference what sort of writing you are dealing with, regardless of whether it is fiction, article, blog, or academic task. Each creator can profit from an increase in imagination and movies are here to assist with it. Here is the review of the top 5 movies about the writers.


This movie was released in 2002 and was written, Spike Jonze.  It is a story about the writer Charlie who is hired to write a screenplay. But during the writing, he suffered from writer’s block and many psychological issues like anxiety, social phobia, depression, and low self-esteem. His twin brother Donald also decided to become a screenwriter and start attending the seminars. Charlie was shy and not very social due to which he was unable to interview Orlean. Charlie requested his twin brother Donald to assist him in writing the structure of the story. Donald was very confident and social and easily interviewed the Orlean but during the interview, Orlean’s answers were very suspicious.

So they both decided to follow her and find out that Orlean and Laroche are involved in drugs. Orlean gets to know that Charlie knows her secret and decided to kill him. After some fight and kill and escape struggles, Donald died during collide with ranger’s truck but Charlie was saved. Before death, both Charlie and Donald resolve their differences and Charlie reconciles with his mother when he informed her about the death of Donald. Orlean was arrested and Charlie completed his script and in a voice note, he tells that for the first time he has hope.

The Diving Bell and The Butterfly:

This French film is about a writer who was diagnosed with locked-in syndrome. He was in a coma for three weeks and is now almost completely paralyzed. He was unable to speak and with the help and treatment by a therapist, he was able to communicate by blinking his left eye. Then the film shows the past events of his life where it was revealed that he was planning and had a contract to write a book. His book contains stories from his past. After ten days after the publication of his book, he died because of pneumonia.

Barton Fink:

This movie is about writer’s block which is faced by Barton Fink, a very popular writer of his time. He had always won the awards but when he was writing the script for a movie he found himself trapped in writer’s block. He holds himself in a hotel room and was stressed about meeting the deadline. He then takes inspiration from an insurance salesman, Charlie Meadows, who is living next to his door.


The popular movie Misery is based on the novel of Stephen King. The story of the movie revolves around the successful novelist Paul Sheldon. As soon as he finished the last script of his Misery series he gets into a car accident due to a storm. He was rescued by a former nurse Annie, who saves him and takes him to her home. It was then found out that the nurse is the number one fan of Paul Sheldon. When Annie was looking after Paul, she gets to know that Paul is killing the main character in his series Misery.

The Ghost Writer:

This movie revolves around the story of a former UK prime minister and a writer. The prime minister hired the writer to complete his autobiography. When the writer is completing the autobiography of the former prime minister, many secrets uncover and he got into trouble. The movie further shows how the writer has to face the difficulties and how he deals with the situation.
