Intellectual Property Law

Common Questions about Intellectual Property Law and Answers


Intellectual Property LawIntellectual property refers to the creations and brainchild of the mind such as inventions, literary and artistic productions as well as symbols, names and artwork that are used for business purposes. Typically intellectual property is divided into two main categories; industrial attributes that are all about patents of inventions, trademarks, industrial designs as well as geographical indications and copyright that is all about literary works such as novels, plays, poems, music and drawings and designs.

The main objective of intellectual property is to encourage innovation. It provides businesses and individuals an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of their inventions and innovations by offering them protection for their ideas that are unique and can do a lot of good to the mankind. Told by a dissertation writing service, with intellectual property protection, thinkers and creators feel safe and focus on research and development without worry if they will actually get due credit for their hard work and efforts.

What Is Intellectual Property Law All About?

The main idea behind intellectual property law is to secure and enforce legal rights to inventions, designs and artworks etc. Intellectual property law ensures exclusive control of intangible assets so that it gives creative people an incentive to keep on developing creative works that offer great advantages to the society. With intellectual property laws, creative and genius people can rest assured that they will get due credit and make profit from their inventions and innovations without any fear of embezzlement, misuse or theft of their ideas. Intellectual property laws guard inventions, literary and artistic works along with business images, signs and names.

Intellectual property is protect by law with help of patents, copyright and trademarks that provide hard working people a chance to earn recognition and financial gains from their efforts. With the right balance between interests of innovators and public interest, intellectual property works hard to develop an environment where creativity and innovation can thrive most easily. Some important questions you need to ask about intellectual property laws are given below;

What Is A Patent?

A patent is the right that allows you the exclusive access to your invention, preventing anyone else to make your conception in the USA, using it in the USA or offering it for sale or import into the USA. This ensures that your invention is perfectly safe in the USA and you do not have to worry that someone else will take the credit for your hard work and efforts. However, it is important that you get your product or invention registered and also get it renewed 14 years after the date of patent issuance.

What Are The Documents Required For Filing A Patent Application?

A provisional patent application requires a written specification, drawings, a transmittal cover sheet along with the fee. A non-provisional patent application also requires a written specification, drawings, claims, oath or declaration, transmittal, fee transmittal and the fee.

What Is A Trademark?

A trademark can be best defined as the identifier of the primary source. It can be anything from a name, logo or consolidation of words and logo that help to distinguish a peculiar brand of goods and services. We see trademarks in our everyday life from Nestle to Unilever and Nissan and when we see them on products, we know the brand behind them. It is essential to know that trademarks can be sold or licensed but they are also defended by law so that these trademarks cannot be misused by anyone else unless authorized.

What Is A Copyright?

In simple words, a copyright is the right to make copies and is protection for artistic expressions and includes things like books, magazines, signs, music, work of art like paintings and photographs as well as videos and movies and software. Copyright includes far more than what is mentioned here as it protects anything that is exclusively held by someone like a post on LinkedIn and cannot be reproduced or copied without permission from the creator.

For How Long Can I Get Copyright Protection?

The length of copyright protection depends on a number of factors. The first thing that is considered is the time when the master work was produced, registered or created as there is a certain time period for which the protection lasts. The second factor is the people who are behind the work; if it is in individual, multiple people or a company who has produced the work.

In case the work has been produced by an individual, copyright protection is effective immediately and can last for 70 years after the producer’s death. Works that are created by multiple individuals remain protected 70 years after the death of the last creator. Things work differently when it comes to works that are produced by a company; copyright can either last for 95 years from the day it was published or 120 years from the date it was created, depending on whichever is the shorter. Knowing about intellectual property laws is important if you are a producer or creator and want to ensure that your invention remains your property and is not copied or duplicated by someone else.